Show Notes
In this episode of the VirtForce Podcast, we talk to Salesforce Lightning Champion, David Scott Nava, about Vetforce.
We explore how Vetforce helped him learn to love cloud computing and how the program helped launched his career into technology. David provides steps on how to start with VetForce and REVEALS how Military Spouses can utilize the free industry certifications (worth thousands) and jump into a career in technology.
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Are you recently transitioning from a stay at home parent into a career? Are you tired of starting entry-level over again? Do you want a career in technology? Are you unsure of how to jump into tech without spending more money on schooling?
If you’ve answered yes to all these questions. We want to talk Vetforce with you. Vetforce is a free education based platform provided through Salesforce in upskilling the military community with high demand technology skills and providing partners with a diverse and trained talent pipeline.
To talk more about the platform, we had the honor to talk to veteran David Scott Nava about his journey with the platform and how Vetforce launched his career into technology within months. David used Vetforce while transitioning from active duty service into a civilian career role.
After getting his MBA and project management certifications, David was unsure of what industry to apply his skills. He utilized his LinkedIn and heard about VetForce. He signed up and started training immediately. Through the module and gamification of the Vetforce training, David was able to earn 413 badges through the process and explained, “It’s such an awesome way to learn Salesforce, and it was completely free. I did a couple of badges and found out that I loved it. And very quickly found out that I do have a love for Information Systems. And began my journey down that path.”
David was able to continue his learning and free education through Vetforce and earn free industry certifications (which can be valued in the thousands). David is a currently a Salesforce Lightning Champion and 6x Trailhead Ranger. If you don’t know what that means, he’s pretty much the big deal in Salesforce terms.
In our interview, David also provided some incredible insight into how military spouses can take advantage of Vetorce and how to gain real-life experience while training in VetForce “Salesforce created specific badges for military spouses because they understand the unique challenges military spouses face.
“If you do not have experience or a degree, Salesforce is making it easy to bridge the gap for our veterans and military spouses. If you are looking for a career transition, Vetforce (via Salesforce) is a great option for those interested in jumping into tech.”
David shared a wealth of information and we recommend listening to the full podcast interview to learn how to utilize the VetForce platform. We hope this information about Vetforce can help our military spouses who want to transition into tech.