Show Notes
As a milspouse, Megan Wollenberg got tired of getting hired, working for a year or two, then leaving for the next duty station and having to do it all over again.
So she set out to find a job that would move around the country (or even the world) with her. That's how she discovered VirtForce.
Although not directly hired through VirtForce, Megan used its resources to set up her resume, get advice on interview questions, figure out who to talk to and where to look for remote jobs.
Now, she's a contractor for the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
Currently at their last duty station in Honolulu, Hawaii, Megan and her husband plan to move to Kansas in a few years when he retires.
With her new remote job, Megan will be able to pause work during the PCS and pick up with the same job once they get settled.
Megan was previously a GS employee. Moving every few years made it difficult for her to climb the ladder. Knowing she will be able to take her job with her wherever she goes is a huge relief.
Megan encourages job seekers to set time aside when looking for a job. Otherwise, they could be up all night looking at job postings and networking on LinkedIn.
Don't give up. Don't just take anything, and ask questions, she says.
Many jobs come through connections and oftentimes, military spouses don't know where or when they'll be moving, so take the time to network.
Tune in to hear more about Megan's new way of life - from changing jobs at each duty station to now having a job that will move with her.
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Links and Resources
Resume Boot Camp
Freemium Course (Episodes 47-60) – https://bit.ly/RBCEp47
Premium Course – http://bit.ly/vf-bc
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