Show Notes
This episode is sponsored by our military spouse employment partners at Instant Teams.
It comes with a Free Download: Remote Tools by Instant Teams.
Just knowing how to use the Internet does not prepare you for a remote job. That’s why learning digital office communication and collaboration tools now, will give you a leg up when the right opportunity comes along.
Whether the company you work for prefers to manage projects through an app or simply keeps a running spreadsheet, once you become familiar with the functions and purpose, you can apply those skills to any platform.
Think of a new or beginner piano player. At first, they are concentrated on which keys their fingers should be hitting. Once they’ve mastered the keys, that's when they really start making music.
In this episode, we’re taking you beyond digital literacy. We’re making sure you take the next step towards digital readiness.
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Links and Resources
Take the Digital Skills Readiness Quiz
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Kimber Hill LinkedIn
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About Our Sponsor
Instant Teams serves professionals across the military-connected community whose lifestyles demand communication and flexibility. Their automated remote team innovation software, Arti, uniquely positions Instant Teams to serve a high growth customer base, and improve the employment prospects of military spouses and other military-connected individuals.
Join the Instant Teams workforce today at this link: bit.ly/InstantTeams